We made it! But why does it feel like 2021 is just 2020 part 2?!
The reality is that the transition to this bright, shiny new year has brought with it a lot of the challenges and loss we have been tackling for many months.
The new year often bombards us with "shoulds"
We should make new years resolutions and dive into productivity at lightning speed.
We should watch what we are putting in our bodies and shame ourselves for holiday indulgences.
We should feel happy, energized and new.
What if we stopped for just a moment to think about what we really want this year. If we took a moment to think about what we are feeling and how we can hold space for that in our lives.
I feel tired......You are worthy of rest
I feel hopeless......You have been through so much
I feel isolated.......The world has silenced many things and activities
In 2021, I am striving to let go of the expectations our society places on us. Instead of my usual list of goals and aspirations for the year, I wrote down a few mantras, or a phrases to repeat to myself throughout the year.
I will listen to the small moments.
I will loosen my grip on control.
I will be, and that will be enough.
Do you have a word, phrase or mantra that encompasses a message you want to tell yourself in 2021?
Some songs that I'm listening to in the new year:
